Let us stay connected like never before

April 1, 2020

APRIL 1, 2020: During this unprecedented time and extremely difficult situation due to coronavirus (COVID-19) nothing is more important to NCSF than its members. We want to reiterate that we remain operational with the least amount of disruption for our members, agents and partners.

We heard from some members with concerns about how to attend services during this time of staying socially distant and at home. Therefore, NCSF’s staff has created a webpage where you may locate streaming Masses and Lenten services by state and Diocese. Go to www.ncsf.com under the Philanthropy tab you will find a new “Member and Impact Team News” section that connects to a page where you can find links to Diocesan resources.



Our communication team will keep you updated on NCSF news. Our goal is to provide you with a sense of calm and confidence that the trust you place in us is taken very seriously. Our social media also contains messages of healing, hope and prayer. Feel free to share this information with others.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the most up-to-date information on COVID-19. The link to the CDC is: www.cdc.gov/

All COVID-19 related federal government resources can be found here: www.usa.gov/coronavirus

We encourage members to follow not only the CDC recommendations but to follow your respective state’s resources.

We encourage all members to stay connected with their communities and parishes. Community food banks are accepting monetary donations.

Also, during this difficult time when our churches are closed, please help keep your parish’s light shining by continuing to contribute. Many parishes have the ability to accept donations online.

Let us all stay connected like never before.