Pop-Up Impact Team Events

You might be surprised to learn how easy it is to make a real impact. Have you donated to your parish — or collected food for your community pantry or donated clothes? Have you participated in a local clean-up group or community runs? Have you always wanted to? 1891 Financial Life can help!

Local fundraising options abound with 1891 Financial Life Pop-Up Impact Team Events, when you can invite family, friends, and others in the community to join the team. Charitable organizations such as local food banks and women’s or homeless shelters welcome the support. Taking part in a community cleanup project and tending a community food garden are marvelous ways to give back while basking in the sunshine and fresh air. Either way, the shared experience brings family, friends, and others together to make memories as they make a difference.

A Pop-Up Impact Team may be formed by an 1891 Financial Life policy owner (beneficial member) who is not currently in an active Impact Team. These members (age 16+) may gather their friends and family together to create an event two times. Participants do not need to be members of 1891 Financial Life; they simply need to help their project leader (member) and contribute their time and talent to make a difference in their community.

1891 Financial Life will provide a customized kit of resources to kick-start the fundraiser or service project. The Pop-Up Impact Team box will contain t-shirts, banners, and other appropriate marketing materials along with a $250 pre-paid VISA card for seed money to cover event costs.

Choose a Project

  • The project must benefit the community where the beneficial member project initiator lives, works, or worships.
  • 1891 Financial Life Pop-Up Impact Teams are not intended to be self-benefiting for the member or their immediate family. The event must benefit a cause, community need, or others in need.
  • 1891 Financial Life Pop-Up Impact Teams cannot be “donated” to others for implementation.
  • Policy-owning member leaders need to actively participate in event implementation.
  • Volunteers (your friends and family) must be contributing time and talent to make a difference in the community.
  • Submit an Application for your event and a Summary form to capture your results.

1891 Financial Life: Making a Difference

Over the years, our organization has been as much about philanthropy as it is about protection. Through grants, scholarships, charitable programs, and volunteerism at the local and national level, we’ve expanded support to communities even as we’ve empowered people to offer that support in a hands-on, tangible manner that truly feeds the soul.