1891 Life Lines

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life insurance

From Hiking Trails to Beach Days: Protecting Your Family With Life Insurance This Summer

July 22, 2024

As you plan your summer, picture the sunlight dancing through the trees as your family treks along a mountain path, laughter echoing with each step. Later, the scene shifts to […]

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face amount vs death benefit

Comparing Face Amount Vs. Death Benefit in Policies

July 15, 2024

Life insurance from reputable providers like 1891 Financial Life is crucial to providing financial security for your loved ones. To make informed decisions about coverage, it’s essential to understand key […]

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Inspire children with 1891 Bears: Phoebe & Phinehas

Inspiring Children to Lead Lives of Integrity, Service, and Commitment to the Greater Good

July 10, 2024

The Legacy of Phinehas and Phoebe In a world where leadership is often equated with power and authority, the stories of Phinehas and Phoebe from the Bible offer timeless lessons […]

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life insurance

Single Moms’ Guide to Life Insurance: Protecting Your Family’s Future

July 8, 2024

As a single mom, you face unique financial responsibilities — raising your children and securing their future often rest solely on your shoulders. Life insurance stands as your ally, ensuring […]

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life insurance

Navigating Life Insurance Decisions With Integrity and Respect

July 3, 2024

Making life insurance decisions is a significant part of planning for the future. Integrity and respect are crucial elements in this process, representing honesty and honoring commitments. When you choose […]

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nonqualified annuities

An In-Depth Look at Nonqualified Annuities and Their Benefits

July 1, 2024

When you think about retirement planning, a nonqualified annuity might not be the first option that comes to mind. Yet, its unique attributes make it a compelling choice for those […]

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life insurance

Investing in Education: How to Designate a School as Your Life Insurance Beneficiary

June 26, 2024

Education holds immense power, shaping not just individual futures but also entire communities. Yet, many schools continually grapple with insufficient funding, limiting their ability to provide the best resources and […]

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nonqualified annuities

Understanding Nonqualified Annuities for Retirement Planning

June 25, 2024

As June marks Annuity Awareness Month, it’s a perfect time to explore how nonqualified annuities can serve as a robust supplement to your retirement planning. These financial instruments offer an […]

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whole life insurance

Exploring Whole Life Insurance as a Financial Tool

June 24, 2024

When you think about whole life insurance, your primary concern is setting up security for your loved ones after you’re gone. Yet, you can also feel good about its potential […]

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Maximizing Your Wealth: The Power of Tax-Deferred Accumulation

June 20, 2024

Growing your wealth efficiently often hinges on strategies that preserve as much of your investment gains as possible. Tax-deferred accumulation is a powerful tool in this regard, allowing your investments […]

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Exploring Annuity Income Options: What’s Best for Your Retirement?

June 18, 2024

June marks Annuity Awareness Month, so it’s a perfect time to consider how these financial products fit into your retirement strategies. Annuities offer a reliable stream of income during your […]

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life insurance

Securing Your Child’s Financial Future on Father’s Day

June 14, 2024

Father’s Day offers a special opportunity for reflection, celebration, and forward-thinking, especially about the financial security of your children. As a father, your role extends beyond daily care to securing […]

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term life insurance

What Everyone Should Know About Term Life Insurance

June 6, 2024

Life is unpredictable, and securing your family’s financial future is a priority you shouldn’t overlook. It’s also a great way to show how much you care. Term life insurance is […]

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Maxed Out Your 401(k)? Here’s Why You Should Consider a Nonqualified Annuity

June 4, 2024

If you’ve recently maxed out your 401(k) contributions, what’s next in safeguarding your future financially? The 2024 contribution limit for a 401(k) is $23,000 and $30,500 if you’re 50 or […]

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life insurance

The Price of Protection: Factors Impacting Your Life Insurance Premiums

May 31, 2024

You work hard to protect your family and meet their needs. It’s terrifying to think about what would happen to them if you couldn’t be there to support them. That’s […]

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life insurance

Financial Security for Millennials: How Life Insurance Fits Into Your Long-Term Plans

May 30, 2024

Millennials face unique financial challenges and opportunities. Balancing student loans, rising living costs, and job market fluctuations with goals like buying homes and starting families can be daunting. With so many […]

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life insurance

Can I Get Life Insurance With a Medical Condition?

May 29, 2024

Securing life insurance is one of the best ways to support your loved ones even when you’re no longer around. Despite its importance, various myths cast doubt on its accessibility, […]

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life insurance

Life Insurance and Provision for Terminal Illness and End of Life Expenses: What You Need to Know

May 28, 2024

Facing a terminal illness or chronic illness brings a multitude of challenges, not least among them the financial implications for you and your loved ones. In these moments, understanding your […]

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