Alzheimer’s Support

June 12, 2023

Hold a project this year!

Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms eventually grow severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.

The Society has a long history of raising funds for Alzheimer’s support. From 1987 to current the Board, Home Office, and members have held fundraisers donating to local Alzheimer chapters and/or care centers – raising over $306,000!

Choose a local group like a local Caregiver Organization or your local Alzheimer’s Chapter
(ask them to mark the funds for education for professionals and caregivers, not for research)

Project Ideas:

Project 1: canisters, recycling
Project 2: bake, coffee or garage sales
Project 3: breakfast, luncheon
Project 4: bingo or card party
Project 5: treasury or donations
Project 6: memory walk

Notable Service Days that you can be a part of:

June Is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month
June 21 The Longest Day
September-October Walk to End Alzheimer's
September 21 Is World Alzheimer's Day
November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month and National Caregiver Support Month

Submit a report of your accomplishments to us no later than December 1.

CLICK HERE for the form.